She Means Business, LLC


The definition of ‘entrepreneurship’ is best described as a mindset that is opportunity obsessed, holistic in approach, and leadership balanced.  During my time at Delcastle Technical High School, the teacher that cultivated my love for all things business was Ms. Trochomovich.  She was my Accounting I and II teacher.  She showed me a simplicity in business and accounting.  Her philosophy was Keep it Super Simple.  The Monday following my high school graduation, I began an office manager role with a leading contractor in Delaware.  It was a woman owned company.  I remember watching how easily my boss transitioned between Owner, Wife and Mother.  I knew this was something I was absolutely capable of doing and that feeling never left me.  I was just waiting for my chance!  After marrying, I ran a reputable HVAC business with my husband from 1997 to 2006, leaving for a few years to work at my most important job, domestic engineer and Mom.  An opportunity presented itself to take over a failing local childcare center, and I jumped at the chance!  This was truly the most rewarding work of my professional career.  Both of my businesses were very different, but I adopted that philosophy that Mrs. T taught, and applied it to each business I ran and position I held.  As life does, changes happen, kids grow and go, parents age, and my work life recreates itself again.  In 2025 ‘She Means Business’ is born!  In life as in business you must always adapt.  You must be consistent but not rigid.  Yield to life’s changes and this is where you’ll find opportunity and growth!  I am opportunity obsessed.  I thrive when I am creating and strategizing.  If you’re in need of bookkeeping support or file organization for your business, give me a call!  If you are ready to create your dream, or re-structure your business, I’d love to collaborate with you!

My Passion

Junior Achievement – During my high school years, I belonged to the local JA chapter.  Some of my best memories were of our group collaborating to make our business run successfully.  JA is a national organization that is dedicated to giving young people the skills and knowledge to make smart academic and economic choices.  Fiscal awareness and responsibility empowers our children to get excited about possibility and to positively contribute to our society.  JA definitely helped me have the confidence to believe I COULD run a business.  This is an organization I have supported monetarily and but also a program I taught in my childcare center.  Consider donating to this wonderful organization or becoming a business mentor at your local chapter! 

Vo-Tech Education – As a graduate of a Vo-Tech High School, I am a testimony to the skills you can acquire before graduation that will jump start your career.  I am so happy Vo-Tech schools are making a come-back! There are intelligent young people eager and ready to be given a chance to prove what they have learned.  Before that light burns out… be that employer that gives that young prospect a shot at their career.  This pool of potential employees is a huge untapped resource.  If you feel you have achieved success in your career, you should also feel the responsibility to lift others up!  Here is an excellent opportunity to share what you know! 

My Resume

These are the sectors I have worked in the last 38 years of my career:

Contracting – Sales and Marketing,  A/R, A/P, Bookkeeping (QuickBooks), Contracts, Service

Education- Facilities, Staffing,  A/R, A/P, Budgets, Marketing

Industrial – Sales and Marketing , A/R, A/P, Bookkeeping (QuickBooks) , Electronic Filing Convention, Job Tracking

Property Management – A/R,  A/P, Budgets and Reports, Bookkeeping (Sage)

Legal – A/R (Practice Panter), Electronic Filing Convention 

Books I Love

Business Reads

Good Reads